Ivory plants are a type of flowering plant that produces a hard, white substance called “ivory” inside its seed pods.

Ivory plants can be found in many parts of the world and have been used for thousands of years as an ornamental garden plant.
The seeds of these plants produce a soft, white material when they mature. This is what is called “ivory.”
There are many different kinds of ivory plants, each with its own unique appearance and uses.
Here’s a list of the most popular types of ivory plants:
1. White Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant grows in tropical areas, such as Hawaii. Its leaves are small and round, and its flowers grow in clusters.
2. Pink Ivory Plant

This type grows in warm climates, such as Florida. Its leaves are large and oval shaped, and its flowers come in pink hues.
3. Purple Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant is native to Africa, where it grows in dry regions. Its leaves are large, and its flowers are purple.
4. Blue Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant lives in Australia, and its leaves are blue. Its flowers are pale yellow.
5. Yellow Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant has thick, leathery leaves and grows in South America. Its flowers are bright yellow.
6. Red Ivory Plant

The red ivory plant grows in Asia and Europe. It has long, thin leaves and is known for its red hue.
7. Orange Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant comes from Central America, and its leaves are orange. Its flowers are bright orange.
8. Green Ivory Plant

This type only grows in New Zealand. It has dark green leaves and bright orange flowers.
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9. Black Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originates from Madagascar, and its leaves are black. Its flowers are deep purple.
10. Brown Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originated in Asia, and its leaves are brownish-green. Its flowers are reddish-brown.
11. Silver Ivory Plant

This type was first discovered in Mexico. Its leaves are silver-grey, and its flowers are white.
12. Gold Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant grew in India until recently. Its leaves are golden-yellow, and its flowers are gold.
13. Rose Ivory Plant

This type came from China. Its leaves are rose-colored, and its flowers are pink.
14. Violet Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant belongs to the same family as the violet plant. Its leaves are violet, and its flowers are lavender.
15. Lavender Ivory Plant

This type also comes from the same family as the violets. Its leaves are purple, and its flowers are lilac.
16. Lilac Ivory Plant

This type originally lived in Europe. Its leaves are light purple, and its flowers come out in shades of purple.
17. Orchid Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant hails from Japan. Its leaves are bright green, and its flowers are bright yellow. They look like orchids.
18. Peony Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant used to live in China. Its leaves are light green, and its flowers come up in shades of pink.
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19. Plum Ivory Plant

This type can be found in Southeast Asia. Its leaves are dark green, and its flowers have a sweet scent.
20. Jasmine Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant once lived in Thailand. Its leaves are dark grey, and its flowers are fragrant.
21. Lily Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant belonged to the lily family. Its leaves are light yellow, and its flowers are light pink.
22. Sunflower Ivory Plant

This type lived in North America. Its leaves are yellow, and its flowers come with a sunflower shape.
23. Cactus Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant was found in Arizona. Its leaves are green, and its flowers grow on long stalks.
24. Rosemary Ivory Plant

This type grows in Italy. Its leaves are dark red, and its flowers smell good.
25. Sage Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant uses herbs for medicine. Its leaves are sage green, and its flowers turn into small balls.
26. Marigold Ivory Plant

This type is native to Africa. Its leaves are bright yellow, and its flowers have five petals.
27. Daisy Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant lives in Australia. Its leaves are yellow and round, and its flowers are big and beautiful.
28. Lantana Ivory Plant

This type likes to grow in warm climates. Its leaves are bright red, and its flowers are yellow.
29. Dandelion Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant comes from South America. Its leaves are bright blue, and its flowers are pretty.
30. Morning Glory Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant loves to grow in sunny places. Its leaves are bright orange, and its flowers are shaped like bells.
31. Ivy Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant has been around since ancient times. It grows in tropical areas, and it likes to climb trees.
32. Holly Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originates from Central America. Its leaves are greenish-white, and its flowers are white.
33. Aloe Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originated in Africa. Its leaves are pale green, and its flowers give off a nice fragrance.
34. Geranium Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant was first seen in Germany. Its leaves are bright pink, and its flowers are large and beautiful.
35. Poinsettia Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant came from Mexico. Its leaves are deep red, and its flowers come in different shapes.
36. Hyssop Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant grew in Greece. Its leaves are light blue, and its flowers have an aromatic smell.
37. Fuchsia Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant is native to Japan. Its leaves are purple, and its flowers are pink.
38. Eucalyptus Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant used to live in Australia. Its leaves resemble those of eucalyptus trees.
39. Jasmine Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant enjoys a humid climate. Its leaves are violet, and its flowers have a sweet scent.
40. Magnolia Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originally came from Asia. Its leaves are dark green, and its flowers are fragrant.
41. Hibiscus Ivory Plant

This one lives in India. Its leaves are bright magenta, and its flowers are very colorful.
42. Sweet Pepper Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant grows in tropical regions. Its leaves are bright green, and its flowers have many petals.
43. Cactus Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant needs lots of water. Its leaves are greyish-green, and its flowers are small and white.
44. Sage Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant is native to North America. Its leaves are dark blue, and its flowers bloom all year long.
45. Thyme Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originates from France. Its leaves are dark yellow, and its flowers are light yellow.
46. Basil Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant lives in Turkey. Its leaves are dark purple, and its flowers have five petals.
47. Marigold Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant comes from South America. Its leaves are bright yellow, and its flowers have four petals.
48. Sunflower Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant likes warm temperatures. Its leaves are yellow, and its flowers come with three petals.
49. Asters Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant has been known for centuries. It is native to Russia. Its leaves are orange, and its flowers are yellow.
50. Tulip Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant loves hot climates. Its leaves are bright red, and its flowers have seven petals.
51. Oak Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant was discovered in the United States. Its leaves are dark olive green, and its flowers come out in spring.
52. Apple Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant originates from Mexico. Its leaves are dark red, and its flowers are bright yellow.
53. Maple Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant belongs to the maple family. Its leaves are dark crimson, and its flowers are deep yellow.
54. Olive Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant looks similar to olives. Its leaves are green, and its flowers grow on branches.
55. Orange Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant resembles oranges. Its leaves are bright orange, and its flowers have an orange color.
56. Lemon Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant grew in Egypt. Its leaves are bright lemon yellow, and its flowers look like lemons.
57. Pine Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant prefers cold climates. Its leaves are dark maroon, and its flowers are rose-colored.
58. Cedar Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant used to live in China. Its leaves are dark violet, and its flowers are tiny and white.
59. Jasmine Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant came from India. Its leaves are bright pink, and its flowers have a sweet fragrance.
60. Camellia Ivory Plant

This type of ivory plant uses a lot of water. Its leaves turn green when it rains.
In Conclusion
Overall, there are a lot of varieties of ivory plants out there and this list is pretty exhaustive in detailing all of the different kinds of ivory plants that you might come across. The most important thing to remember about these types of plants is that they need a lot of sunlight.
If you don’t get enough sun, your ivy will not thrive. You can use a few drops of liquid fertilizer every week or so to help keep them healthy.
So, happy ivory plant hunting! We can guarantee that there will definitely be something on the market that will suit your personal taste – after all, you can practically get an ivory plant in every single color that there is.
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