

21 Types Of Fuchsia Plants & Reasons Why Fuchsia Plants Are So Popular (With Pictures)

Fuchsias are one of the most popular flowers in the world. 

They come in many different colors and shapes. There are hundreds of different types of fuchsias. Some are single blooms while others are double blooms. 

Fuchsias are usually grown indoors in pots or hanging baskets but some varieties are also suited to outdoor environments. Fuchsia are cactus plants and related to morning glories, although they do not grow as tall as morning glory plants do. 

Native to South America, fuchsia plants were brought over to Europe and North America by Spanish Explorers in the 16th Century. Most varieties of fuchsia plants bloom in early spring and fall and come in a huge variety of colors.

In this list, we look at the different varieties of fuchsias as well as share tips to care for your fuchsia plant and the main reasons why fuchsia plants have become hugely popular all over the world.

Trumpet Fuchsia Plants

There are over 100 species of fuchsias, and each one has its own unique characteristics. There are two main types of blooms that are found on fuchsias: single and double.

Varieties of fuchsias are also categorized into three different types of characteristics that certain varieties share. These are:

  • Hybrid fuchsia: the most commonly available fuchsias, usually planted in containers.
  • Miniature fuchsia: smaller versions of hybrid fuchsias, growing about two inches tall and usually sold in small plastic pots.
  • Climbing fuchsia: the tallest of the three types, growing up to six feet tall and usually grown in large planters outdoors.

Here are some examples of twenty-two individual types of fuchsia plants that are common around the world:

1. Trumpet Fuchsia

Fuchsia Plants

These are the most popular kinds of fuchsia. 

They have large trumpet-shaped blooms. These are usually red, pink, purple, white, yellow, orange, or combinations of these colors. Varieties of the Trumpet Fuchsia include the Fuchsia Triphylla, Fuchsia Speciosa, and the Fuschia Grandiflora.

The Fuchsia Grandiflora has the longest flowers, ranging up to 4 inches in size.

2. Fairy Bell Fuchsia

Fuchsia Plants

This type of fuchsia has a small bell-shaped bloom. 

These can be white, blue, lavender, pink, or purple. Varieties of the Fairy Bell Fuschia include the Fuchsia Watsonii, Fuchsia Vespertina, and the Fuchsia Arvensis.

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3. Hybrid Fuchsia

Fuchsia Plants

Hybrid fuchsias are the result of cross-breeding two different species of fuchsias. 

This means that there are two parents involved. One parent is a hybrid fuchsia and the other parent is a regular fuchsia.

4. Flowering Fuchsia

Flowering Fuchsia

Flowering fuchsias are fuchsias that produce new blooms after flowering. This happens every year. 

The first flower appears in spring and then each subsequent flower blooms throughout the season.

5. Everblooming Fuchsia

Fuchsia Plants

Everblooming fuchsias are fuchsias that continue to bloom throughout the entire growing season. They do this by producing new buds every year.

6. Double Fuchsia

Double Fuchsia

Double fuchsias are fuschias that have 2 flowers per stem. This means that there will be quite a lot of color when all of the flowers are in bloom.

7. Single Fuchsia

Single Fuchsia

Single fuchsias are fuchsia plants that have 1 flower per stem. 

These types of fuchsia plants tend to have more green foliage than those that have two flowers per stem. Most large fuchsia plants are a variety of single fuchsia.

8. Miniature Fuchsia


Miniature fuchsias are fuchsias that grow very small. They are usually less than 3 inches tall. These plants are common in hanging baskets as they are not overly large,

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9. Dwarf Fuchsia

Fuchsia Plants

Dwarf fuchsias are fuchsias that grow very small and don’t reach much taller than 6 inches. 

These plants are potted and tend to be indoor plants, although some varieties are suited to outdoor environments also.

10. Fuchsia Magellanica

Fuchsia Magellanica

This is a hybrid fuchsia. It’s a small, compact plant that grows in large clumps. It has lots of blooms and is usually an indoor potted plant.

11. Fuchsia Hybrida

Fuchsia Hybrida

This is a hybrid variety of fuchsia. 

It is a tall, bushy plant that has lots of blooms and is less expensive than the Magellanica. This type of fuchsia is a cross between Fuchsia Magellanic and Fuchsia Coccineus.

12. Fuchsia Coccinea

Fuchsia Coccinea

This variety of fuchsia is known for its bright red blooms. It originated in Mexico and is often referred to as the Scarlet Fuchsia.

13. Fuchsia Bicolor

Fuchsia Bicolor

These flowers can be any variation of the above but they have blooms that flower with two distinct colors that fuschia are known for. 

The outer petals are a deep fuchsia color and the inner petals are usually a deep purple color. The stamen are usually long and a unique fuchsia color also with a dusting of yellow pollen.

14. Hardy Fuchsia

Hardy Fuchsia

This type of fuchsia plant is loved as the leaves are as small as the blooms giving the plant an elegant look

You will find this plant in coastal gardens as it is known for holding its bloom in stormy weather conditions.

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15. Tree Fuchsia

Tree Fuchsia

One of the most tropical-looking fuchsia plants, the tree fuchsia is a type of trumpet fuchsia plant that bursts into blooms of coral every year. 

The flowers on this plant are described as a flower sparkler as they bloom out of the blue and fade just as fast.

16. Fuchsia Boliviana

Tree Fuchsia

The blooms on this fuchsia continue to grow from summer right into mid-fall. Gardeners love this plant as it requires minimal maintenance and brings color to the garden for months at a time.

17. Fuchsia Fulgens

Fuchsia Fulgens

The Fuchsia Fulgens is one of the only fruit-bearing varieties of fuchsia plants. These plants can grow up to four to five feet tall and stay in bloom for the majority of the year.

18. Paniculata


This particular plant resembles a shrub and is pollinated by insects that help keep the plant growing year after year. 

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19. Dollar Princess Fuchsia

Dollar Princess

Possibly one of the most beautiful fuchsia plants, the Dollar Princess Fuchsia is known for its unique blooms which resemble the underbelly of a tiered skirt. 

It can grow in both the sun and in the shade making it a great garden plant.

20. Seventh Heaven Fuchsia

Seventh Heaven

The blooms on this fuchsia resemble angel wings and typically are a pink color. 

If you like butterflies you should have this plant in your garden for a sure way to attract butterflies all year round.

21. Swingtime Fuchsia


The beautiful white and red blooms that grow at the stem are larger than the other blooms on this plant. Typically this plant is used for hanging baskets and while they can grow in both the sun or shade but should not be left hanging in the winter as they thrive in the heat.

If you’re looking for a new plant to add to your garden, then fuchsias are a great choice. Here we look at some of the reasons why fuchsia plants are so popular:

  • Fuchsia are very hardy plants. They can survive temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit (-40° C).
  • Fuchsia seeds germinate quickly after planting. It takes only three weeks for the seedlings to sprout.
  • Fuchsia plants are drought tolerant. They can survive without water for extended periods.
  • Fuchsia is easy to care for. They require little maintenance once planted.
  • Fuchsia is perfect for hanging baskets or window boxes.

Fuchsia plants not only brighten your home and garden, but are also used in floral arrangements, potpourri, cosmetic products, perfumes, and some food products. 

Some varieties are edible but every fuchsia plant has that signature fresh, floral scent that fuschia plants are famous for having.

Top Tips For Fuchsia Plants

Here are some useful tips for growing and caring for your fuchsia plant. By following these tips you will be able to keep your fuchsia looking fresher and brighter for longer.

  • Choose a location where there is plenty of sunlight to plant your fuchsia
  • Water your fuchsia every few days but only feed them once a month with a fertilizer designed specifically for fuchsia. Too much fertilizer can cause leaves to turn yellow.
  • Remove dead foliage as soon as you notice it. Dead foliage looks brownish and wilts easily.
  • Prune your fuchsia after flowering. This helps prevent new growth from becoming tangled.
  • Cut back your fuchsia in early spring. This allows the plant to focus energy on producing new blooms.
  • Use a garden hose to water your fuchsia. A sprinkler may not be effective.
  • Avoid using pesticides and herbicides on your fuchsia.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for an easy to care for, colorful plant with a beautiful scent then you should consider getting one of the varieties of fuchsia plants featured on this list. 

Some varieties are better suited to indoor and outdoor environments than others and this should be considered when you are choosing what type of fuchsia plant would be best for your home or garden. 

With hundreds of varieties and colors to choose from, there is a fuchsia out there that is perfect for you.

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