The world is full of plants that start with l. Like seriously, there are so many we can’t even begin to count and name them all!
So when it comes to choosing the right plant for you, regardless of your preference and needs, it’s best to narrow down the search a little bit.
You could search for plants by their type, by their color, by their location of origin…but we’ve decided to search by letter, grouping plants that start the same.
In this case, we’ve compiled a list with some of the most common and popular plants that start with the letter L!
So if you’re looking for plants that start with the letter L…you’re in the right place!
And not only have we listed some of the most well-known, but we have also included some basic information about each, to get you acquainted with them!
Let’s get right into it!
1. Lady Bells

Best known as lady bells, these plants are a genus of flowers scientifically known as Adenophora, from the family Campanulaceae.
They are also sometimes known as bellflowers, due to their bell-like shape and appearance!
Most of them are native to eastern Asia, with some being completely endemic to China and Siberia. However, you can now find them all over the world, due to their popularity.
Ladybells are perennial herbs, with thick and fleshy roots. The stem is erect, with some basal leaves, and the flowers can be either solitary or part of a bigger group.
As mentioned, the flowers have a bell shape, with five lobes. Most of them are blue in color, although there are shade variations.
2. Larch

The larch plant is a tree from the Pinaceae family, in the Larix genus. These trees are deciduous conifers, and they can grow between 65 to 150 feet tall, which is quite impressive!
They are native to the northern hemisphere, as they thrive in cooler temperatures, and they are most often found high up in mountains.
They are one of the most prominent trees in the boreal forests of Siberia and Canada, for example!
As for their appearance, they have a sparse crown with branches horizontal to the stem. They have large shoots, with needle leaves that are lost during the fall season.
However, some of them are evergreen and retain their needles all throughout the year. Basically, a Larch is a long and slender tree with needles for leaves, grown in the north!
Oh, and just as an interesting fact, the wood they provide is very strong, and waterproof, which is why it is often used for boats and exterior construction.
3. Lavender

Lavender, scientifically known as Lavandula, is a genus of 47 different flowering plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It is native to Africa, Europe, and Asia, with it being especially popular in the Mediterranean.
It thrives in temperate climates, and it has so many uses that it has remained one of the most popular plants throughout history.
From decorative uses, planted in gardens and homes, to culinary uses as a herb for flavor, and as a medicinal herb turned into essential oil. It is prominent in traditional medicine, in cosmetics, and in everyday life!
The exact shape can vary across the genus, but lavender tends to be pinnately toothed, the flowers growing in whorls.
They are usually violet, lilac, or blue in color. Oh, and fun fact, the color lavender was named after this flower, due to its common purple shade!
4. Lemongrass

Lemongrass, scientifically known as Cymbopogon, is a large genus of Asian, African, Australian, and Tropical Island plants within the grass family.
The genus includes other popular plants such as citronella grass, fever grass, cochin grass, Malabar grass, and similar! And well, it pretty much just looks like grass, but far longer and spikier, in the form of a bush.
Lemongrass is incredibly popular as it has many uses. For example, it is commonly used as a culinary herb in the kitchen, and much as the name suggests, it provides a lemony flavor that is fresh and sharp.
It is also used as a medicinal herb, especially thanks to its lemony scent, which can be used to help people calm down and relieve varied ailments and problems.
5. Leopard’s Bane

The Leopard’s bane can actually refer to a few different plants, such as the Aconitum (better known as aconite or wolf’s bane), or the Arnica Montana (also commonly known as wolf’s bane).
But in general, Leopard’s Bane includes the different flowers that are a part of the Doronicum genus, from the sunflower family. They are all herbaceous perennials, native to Europe, South and West Asia, and Siberia.
You can easily identify by their appearance, as they produce small yellow flowers, similar to daisies in their shape, all throughout spring and summer.
As for all the wolf’s bane plants and flowers that can be confused with the leopard’s bane, or interpreted as a variation, be careful!
They can be highly poisonous, and are usually only ever used by expert florists!
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6. Lily

The Lily flower, scientifically known as the Lilium, is part of a genus of herbaceous flowering plants. All of them grow in bulbs, with large flowers that are visually very pretty.
Most of them are native to the northern hemisphere, and they thrive in temperate temperatures.
However, due to their large popularity, this flower can pretty much be found all over the world nowadays!
It is one of the most popular flowers to give and to keep at home or in the garden. They can be many different colors, with most of them being white, yellow, orange, pink, red, or purple.
Lilies are incredibly important in both culture and literature, primarily signifying purity and devotion, as well as being a symbol for motherhood and rebirth.
For example, lilies are a popular flower to use in funerals, as they are very elegant and pretty, representing purity, innocence, and life beyond death.
However, be aware that there are many other types of flowers that have lilies in their name, that aren’t actually lilies!
7. Lily-Of-The-Valley

Although it has Lily in the name, the Lily-of-the-valley is not a lily, and is its own different flower!
Scientifically known as the Convallaria majalis, it is a woodland flower with a sweet scent and beautiful white flowers that bloom in the shape of pendant bells.
It blooms during the spring season, and it is native all throughout the northern hemisphere, as it thrives in temperate climates.
In North America, it has actually become an invasive species, since it has spread so much!
This flower is also sometimes known as May Bells, Our Lady’s Tears, or Mary’s tears.
According to legend, it is a flower that was discovered by the god Apollo, and within the myth, it is associated with fae creatures.
It also symbolizes purity, melancholy, and devotion. But fun fact, and something that you might not know, it is actually a highly poisonous flower if consumed!
8. Lotus

There are many Lotus flowers, so we will be talking about the simple lotus, also known as the Indian or Sacred lotus.
Scientifically known as the nelumbo Nucifera, it is an extant species of aquatic plant from the Nelumbonaceae family. Sometimes you might hear it be called a water lily too!
As an aquatic plant, it is adapted to grow in slow-moving rivers, deltas, and ponds.
Every year, they drop thousands of seeds to the bottom of where they are growing, and these can stay dormant for many years until germinated, which is what allows this plant to continue existing even through tough conditions!
Lotus flowers grow in a wide range of places, and due to their long lifespan, they are a symbol of longevity.
Throughout history, they have been cultivated for the seeds, as they are edible, but also as decorative additions to water gardens. Plus, the Lotus flower is the national flower of both India and Vietnam!
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9. Lupine

The Lupine flower, also commonly known as the lupin or bluebonnet, is a genus of plants from the Fabaceae family. It is scientifically known as the Lupinus.
There are way over 199 species in this genus, providing a wide variety of lupine flowers. It is native to America, North Africa, and the Mediterranean.
They can be found all around the world nowadays, and they are cultivated as a food source and as an ornament.
Appearance-wise, Lupine flowers have soft green leaves and are found in large groups. They bloom as an erect spike that is around 1 or 2 cm long, covered in purple or blue pods. Within which you can find the seeds.
They can be very striking, which is why many like to grow them in gardens. But as we said, they are also a food source, popularized during the Roman times!
10. Lychee

The lychee is a tropical tree, scientifically known as the Litchi chinensis. It belongs to the Litchi genus from the Sapindaceae family.
A native to Southeastern China, specifically the Guangdong and Fujian provinces. It is where it has been cultivated since the 11th century!
Nowadays, it is also grown in other parts of the world, such as India, South Africa, and more.
The tree is evergreen and able to bear small fruits that are pink or red. Furthermore, with sweet flesh inside that is popular in dessert dishes. They are also quite tall trees, usually growing up to 92 feet high!
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are plenty of plants starting with the letter L. And trust us when we say that this is barely even the tip of the iceberg!
Our list has some of the most popular and well-known. But there are countless other plants starting with the letter L for you to discover!