Greetings to our fellow mexican trees lovers. Are you curious about what trees occur and grow in Mexico? If you are then you have come to the right place. We have curated a list of some of Types Of Mexican Trees.
From native tree species to plants that have been introduced. We have loads of trees right here.
So, without further ado, let us get started.
1. Ahuehuete Tree – Ceiba Pentandra

The ahuehuete tree is a large, slow-growing tropical hardwood tree native to Mexico and Central America. It can grow up to 98.5 feet tall with a trunk diameter of up to 8 feet.
The trunk has prominent buttresses. Ahuehuete tree leaves are compound pinnate, arranged in pairs on opposite sides of the branches; each leaflet is 1.9 to 3.9 inches long.
The flowers are small, white or pinkish-white, produced in panicles at the end of each branch.
The fruit is a drupe that is about 1.3 inches in diameter.
2. Blue Jacaranda – Jacaranda Mimosifolia

Jacarandas are medium-size trees reaching heights from 65 to 100 feet in height and girths of up to 6 feet. They have a strong, straight trunk and spreading crown, with an open, irregular canopy.
Jacarandas are often used as street trees, particularly in Australia due to their tolerance for urban conditions.
In addition to being extremely drought resistant, they also tolerate pollution and salt spray.
3. Mexican Sycamore – Platanus Mexicana

This tree is a large deciduous tree growing from 65 to 98 feet tall and with a trunk diameter of 15.7 inches. The bark of this species is smooth and grayish brown.
This tree produces alternate simple leaves which are between 1.9 and 2.7 inches long and between 0.7 and 1.5 inches wide.
The yellow flowers appear in May and June. The fruits are oval, dark green when ripe, and contain one seed each.
4. Bull Horn Acacia – Vachellia Cornigera

The bullhorn acacia is a fast-growing tree, reaching heights of 70 feet and trunks of 10 to 20 feet in diameter. It is found throughout tropical Africa and South Asia.
The plant has been introduced into many parts of the world including North America and Mexico. It grows well in all types of soil but does best in fertile loamy soils.
5. Ear Pod Tree – Enterolobium Cyclocarpum

Enterolobium cyclocarpum is a species of flowering plants in the legume family (Fabaceae).
Common names include common ear pod tree, broad bean tree, big bean tree. It is a large, fast-growing tree with a single main stem, sometimes with side shoots.
The flowers produce pods containing beans, some flowers produce both male and female reproductive structures.
The seeds mature inside the pods. When fully grown, the pods reach lengths of 23 inches, widths of 5 inches, and diameters of 9.4 inches.
6. Black Olive – Bucida Buceras

Bucidas are evergreen trees belonging to the genus Bucida, a member of the Fabaceae family. There are approximately 40 different species within the genus, all endemic to southern Mexico.
The most widely called black olive tree, which is an umbrella term referring to several varieties of the species.
All members of the genus are very similar in appearance, though some are more robust than others.
7. Buttonwood – Conocarpus Erectus

Buttonwoods are large, slow-growing, tropical hardwood trees native to Mexico and Central American countries.
They can grow up to 98 feet tall with a trunk that may be up to 8 feet in diameter. The trunk has prominent, buttressed branches.
The leaves are compound, arranged alternately along the stems, and are divided into three leaflets. The flowers are small, yellow or pink.
The fruit is a capsule containing two or four seeds.
8. Dragon Blood Tree – Croton Drago

These trees are medium-sized trees reaching heights of 60 to 80 feet and with a trunk diameter between 12 and 18 inches. The bark is rough and grayish brown.
These trees are commonly planted in streets and parks around the world because of their resistance to heat and high levels of humidity.
They are especially popular in warmer climates where they provide shade for people during the hot summer months.
It is called the blood tree because of the red resin that comes out when you cut the bark.
9. Brazilian Pepper Tree – Schinus Molle

Schinopsis brasiliensis is a large shrub or small tree occurring from southern Brazil through Paraguay and northern Argentina, extending northwards as far as Bolivia.
Its range extends also into Peru, Uruguay, and eastern Chile. The name “Brazilian pepper” is used to refer to the fruits of this species, which have a pungent flavor and are used commercially in the manufacture of pepper sauces and condiments.
This plant was originally cultivated by the indigenous peoples of São Paulo State. Many other species of schinus are now known, the majority being restricted to South America.
10. Guácima – Guazuma Ulmifolia

The guacimama is a large tree or large palm native to the Mexican states of Jalisco, Nayarit, Michoacan, and Guerrero.
It grows to 30 meters in height, but its trunks typically only reach 10 meters. The trunk is smooth and grayish-white. The leaves are dark green with 3–5 lobes, each lobe having 2–7 pairs of veins running down it.
The flowers are pink, about 1 cm wide, with 4 petals. The fruit is an oblong shape, about 6 cm long, and contains one seed.
11. Gumbo-Limbo – Bursera Simaruba

This tree is native to the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It is an evergreen tree growing to 65 feet tall.
The trunk is cylindrical with a diameter of up to 19.5 inches. Gumbo-Limbo leaves are alternate on the stem, entire, ovate-lanceolate, and are pointed.
The flower is usually solitary; however, occasionally there will be up to 100 per cluster.
Fruit from this tree is known as a globose berry nearly half an inch in diameter, ripening blue-black or purple.
12. Helicopter Tree – Gyrocarpus Jatrophifolius

Gyrocarpus jatrophifolius is a deciduous tree native to Mexico and Central America. It grows to 50 feet tall with a trunk diameter of up to 9.4 inches.
This tree’s trunk is buttressed and straight, with horizontal branches that branch off near the top. The leaves are alternate, simple, 2 and 4 inches long, and elliptic shaped.
Flowers are single or double, pendulous, and clustered at the ends of shoots; these are followed by capsules that contain four seeds.
13. Horse Balls Tree – Stemmadenia Donnell-Smithii

This tree is natively found in tropical regions of Africa and Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia.
However, it has been introduced into many countries outside its natural range, such as the United States, Canada, Europe and China.
In Florida alone, it is estimated that over 500,000 of these trees exist within urban areas. It can grow in both full sun and partial shade conditions.
14. Manioc Tree – Manihot Carthaginensis

The manioc tree (Manihot esculenta) is a food crop grown for its starch-rich root tubers, which are processed into flour or fermented into beer.
It is most widely grown in the tropics, especially in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
The manioc tree is considered one of the “mothers” of agriculture because it was one of the first crops domesticated by humans.
15. Nakedwood Tree – Colubrina Yucatanensis

The nakedwood tree is native to the western slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental in central Mexico. It is often called the yuca tree, as it is the primary source of cooking yuca throughout much of Mexico.
The tree is commonly cultivated and harvested in the region around Querétaro City, where it is known locally as the huizache.
The tree reaches heights of 66 feet, with diameters of 6 and 8 cm. Young plants have yellowish-white bark, while older trees have grayish bark.
Leaves are compound, with 7 to 9 leaflets, each leaflet divided into 5 or 7 segments.
16. Sea Coconut Tree – Manicaria Saccifera

The sea coconut tree is a species of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae. It is native to South America.
Its distribution includes Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and several other countries. The flowers are produced singly or in clusters of two or three together.
Each fruit contains one seed.
17. Wild Papaya – Carica Papaya

Carica papaya is a large herbaceous shrub or small tree occurring in tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas, from southern Mexico through Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and many other countries.
Its fruits are edible, and they are also used in folk medicine. A papaya tree may reach 30 meters tall and can live for 300 years.
18. Poppy Tree – Bocconia Arborea
Bocconia arborea, commonly called poppy tree, is an evergreen tree belonging to the family Apocynaceae.
It is native only to the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Veracruz. It is a medium-sized tree reaching between 66 and 98 feet high, with
19. Tobacco Tree – Nicotiana Glauca

Nicotiana glauca is a perennial vine of the Solanaceae family. It is native to eastern North America, Central America, northern South America, and the West Indies.
It grows in moist places, such as riversides, swamps, or along watercourses, but not on dry land.
This tobacco is a strongly scented plant, and it produces a milky latex when cut or injured.
20. Timberline Montezuma Pine – Pinus Hartwegii

Pinus hartwegii is a coniferous tree species in the pine genus Pinus subgenus Strobus section Strobus.
Native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, it is regarded as a vulnerable species due to its restricted geographic range.
It is also threatened by logging activities. In California, this species occurs mainly within the Transverse Ranges and Peninsular Ranges, including the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California.
Final Thoughts
That is all for this article, we hope that you enjoyed learning about these amazing Mexican trees. There are many more varieties we have neglected to mention here.
We hope you have a fantastic day.
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