

Jose Viacrucis

Jose holds a Plant Biology degree, specializing in Plant Natural Products and Plant Biotechnology, from the University of the Philippines Los Baños. He is genuinely passionate about plants and their rich symbolism. He loves to share his expertise and passion with others who share the same love for the world of plants. He finds immense joy in merging his botanical knowledge with his writing skills. This unique blend allows him to thrive in the realm of content creation, particularly when it comes to crafting engaging articles related to plant symbolism. Jose has written about various topics, such as the meaning of roses, the symbolism of orchids, and the significance of bamboo.

Blue Myrtle Cactus How To Grow & Care (Myrtillocactus Geometrizans)

The magnificent Myrtillocactus Geometrizans  can give your house a touch of the desert. Growing this plant all by yourself is quite simple if you know a few simple tips and tricks. Myrtillocactus Geometrizans  is a columnar, upright cactus that eventually takes on a tree-like form. Myrtillocactus Geometrizans  cactus can reach heights of 13 feet to

Blue Myrtle Cactus How To Grow & Care (Myrtillocactus Geometrizans) Read More »

Spider Plant: 12 Stunning Varieties You Can Get For Your Home

There are more than 200 different types of spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum), however they can be grouped depending on their characteristics. The primary distinctions between them may be seen in the color and pattern of the leaves. Depending on where you wish to put it, you might prefer one spider plant to the other. Discover

Spider Plant: 12 Stunning Varieties You Can Get For Your Home Read More »

Monstera Albo Vs. Thai Constellation: Similarities And Differences

Monsteras make excellent housemates because they don’t need a lot of upkeep and care. They require little water, are pretty simple to grow, and may even assist in filtering the air in your living room! The Monstera Albo Borsigiana (sometimes referred to simply as “Arbo”) and the Monstera Thai Constellation are arguably the two most

Monstera Albo Vs. Thai Constellation: Similarities And Differences Read More »