The stunning plant Spathiphyllum, commonly known as peace lilies, is native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and the Americas. It has oval, dark green leaves with a pointed tip. These plants will also bloom with fragrant white flowers.

However, because it is so well renowned for its effectiveness as a houseplant for purifying the air, most people prefer it to be grown indoors than planted outdoors.
In this article, we’ll look at whether it is suitable and feasible to plant it outside and the important details you need before you grow peace lilies outdoors.
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Peace Lilies Overview
Peace lilies are not true lilies (family Liliaceae). They belong to the Arum family of tropical, evergreen plants. This genus, known as Spath or peace lilies, contains 47 different monocotyledonous flowering plants. These plants are originally native to tropical Central and South America.
These plants thrive in the forest, where they are exposed to dappled sunlight and are relatively moist and humid. With adequate light, peace lilies usually produce white flowers. However, despite its beauty, the peace lily is poisonous since it contains calcium oxalate in every part of the plant.
Spathiphyllum is derived from Spatha foliaris, where “spatha” is spathe and “foliaris” is leaf (Phyllum also means a leaf).
Furthermore, in Greek, “spath” refers to a spoon, and “phyl” means a leaf. It refers to the spoon-shaped leaf with a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and is commonly grown as an ornamental.
Can Peace Lily Survive Outdoors?

In USDA hardiness zones 10–12, peace lilies may readily live outside. The Peace Lilies may be planted in big pots or straight in the ground as a ground cover. Your Peace Lilies should be brought inside if there is a chance of frost damage. For optimal results, outdoor Peace Lilies should be frequently clipped and put in dappled shade. Avoid being outside when it’s colder than 55 degrees (12.7 degrees Celsius).
Habitation of Peace Lilies
The native habitat of peace lilies is tropical rainforests. This is becoming more prevalent in Colombia, Venezuela, South America, Central America, and Southeast Asia. A peace lily grows best as close to the ground as it can endure in the shade of larger trees, where the plants receive very little direct sunlight and have adapted to live in low-light settings.
RELATED: Trimming or Pruning Peace Lily: How and Why Is It Important For Peace Lily Growth
Outdoor Peace Lilies Requirement

Tropical and subtropical climates are ideal for the growth of peace lily outdoors. Only warm, humid areas are good for growing these plants because they are not cold-hardy. You should only grow them outside if you live in an appropriate hardiness zone. Zones 10–11 USDA. Furthermore, peace lilies prefer warm daytime temperatures ranging from 68 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and moderate nighttime temperatures in their habitat.
Ideally, an outdoor peace lily should be kept in dappled shade. Remember, the peace lily is a tropical plant, it is commonly found under the canopy of tropical rainforests. Because it cannot endure direct sunlight.
Overexposure to sunlight can cause a problem as it burns the plant and leaves sunburns, eventually slowing down plant growth. This is a common issue with peace lily, especially if planted outside, so it all depends on how you shelter your plant from direct sunlight and where you place and position it.
Peace lily soil has to be well-drained and able to retain a little moisture. Common potting mix for peace lily is particularly ones containing perlite, peat moss, coir, or loam. If the soil is not effectively drained, it will cause serious issues for the plant, including disease, fungus growth, and rot.
You may place mulch around the plant to ensure that the peace lily grows properly. Doing so will protect the soil in your garden from the sun and enable it to stay moist.
Ensure your peace lilies get enough water, especially if planted outside. since it loses water more quickly when it is planted outside. So keep an eye on your plant. Maintain a proper watering schedule to ensure your plants respond appropriately and thrive.
However, always do a soil test to see whether the soil actually needs additional water before adding more. On the other hand, overwatering will result in root rot and fungal infection in the plant, so you must ensure that everything is being taken care of appropriately.
Water the plant less throughout the winter months since it will conserve water more when the temperature decreases. And throughout the summer, you often water your plants.
Read more about Peace Lily watering.
The peace lily enjoys high humidity levels of at least 50% and more as it is a tropical plant. To achieve this, misting their leaves on a regular basis, as well as growing them alongside other plants in your garden and putting water nearby, will help to promote humidity.
Fertilize peace lilies using a fertilizer that is equally distributed to maintain their health and encourage the production of their attractive flower. Fertilize on a regular basis during the growth season, which is in the spring and summer. Avoid overfertilizing your plant, as this can cause the leaves to brown.
Problem and diseases

Peace lilies are herbaceous plants with fleshy stalks and sap. They attract a variety of insects, such as mealybugs, scale insects, and mites.
Fortunately, they can be readily controlled by spotting infestations early, treating the peace lily with neem oil, and frequently wiping the leaves with a moist cloth to eliminate dust. In addition to improving their beauty, this will get rid of some pests that like to collect at the roots of the leaves.
Yellowing and Browning of leaves
Water problems lead to yellowing and browned, crispy leaves. The main cause of yellow leaves is either too much or too little. The leaves of a peace lily plant may droop, turn brown, and get crispy if it has been dried out for a long time.
Extremely wet dirt prevents roots from breathing. They pass away, cease to exist, and stop giving plants the necessary nutrients and water. Root rot, sogginess, and permanent root damage result from the plant not receiving enough oxygen due to insufficient soil moisture or moisture stress brought on by excessive water consumption. Both drought and flooding have significant effects.
Keep reading about the browning foliage of Peace Lilies.
Crispy Leaves and Brown Edges
Usually, this indicates that your peace lily has been exposed to direct sunlight. If they are exposed to direct sunlight, it causes sunburn. If that’s the case, remove the damaged leaves and relocate the plant away from direct sunlight.
Try increasing the humidity in the area around your plant if the humidity level is the issue. To increase humidity, you might group plants closer together or place some water nearby.
RELATED: How To Propagate Peace Lily: Easy Steps and More Tips
Does the Peace Lily bloom outdoors?
Peace lilies may bloom well outside as long as they get some filtered sunshine or more of the early morning sun. However, a plant may have issues if it receives too much sunshine. Peace lilies begin to bloom in the spring and frequently rebloom in the fall. Its blooms are tall white spathes that remain for a month or two before turning brown.
A peace lily won’t bloom if it doesn’t get enough light. This is the most common reason that your mature peace lily doesn’t produce any flowers at all. However, it may be quickly fixed by moving it away from areas with enough sunshine and giving it appropriate care.
Read more about peace lily flowering.
How to Pot and Repot Peace Lilies?
It is necessary to repot peace lilies once or twice a year, depending on their condition, to guarantee optimal growth and health. Repotting a peace lily is best done in the spring when it is actively developing after flowering.
There are typical symptoms that indicate that your peace lilies require repotting. The most obvious symptom is that the roots are sprouting out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the container. And the leaves start fading or drooping.
When repotting peace lilies, carefully remove them from their current pot. Then remove any dark or mushy roots and rinse them in clean water. Select a pot that is just 2 inches bigger than the existing one. Additionally, it’s crucial to check that your plant has adequate drainage.
Repotting a peace lily requires a proper potting mix as well. The soil should be loose and well-draining, and it should also retain enough moisture to support the plant’s healthy roots. Keep an eye on your potted peace lilies once it’s been repotted to ensure it lives and thrives.
Are Peace Lilies Frost Tolerant?
If you live in a region that experiences frosts, it is preferable to keep the peace lilies in their pots and bring them inside before the weather becomes chilly.
Landscaping Ideas
Peace lilies have sturdy dark green oval leaves, and the stems produce decorative flowers that enhance the beauty of your garden, particularly if they are grouped with other plants. It gives your garden extra texture and color.
Place them in a shaded area with plenty of ambient light. Plant it beneath trees or plant it as a design that seems like a garden path or a framework in your yard.
Final Thoughts
Peace lilies grow outdoors with the right care and conditions. They are originally from tropical regions and like dappled light and a generally moist and humid environment. When planted outside, it produces more beautiful flowers as it is exposed to more sunlight, but it should be well-lit so that it does not cause sunburn.
By adding mulch and keeping the soil moist, you may protect the soil from direct, intense sunlight. Keep in mind that peace lilies are poisonous and contain calcium oxalate crystals that can irritate skin in all of their parts.
Read more about growing peace lilies outdoors and have a happy garden!
Make sure to check out our other articles about peace lilies:
Domino Peace Lily: Ultimate Care, Watering, and Propagation Guide
Peace Lily Flowering Stages: Everything You Need To Know and More
Peace Lily Not Flowering: All The Possible Reasons and How To Fix Them