The term “azalea” refers to a group of plants in the genus Rhododendron. There are over 400 A Zen Ambience: 14 Different types of Azaleas species of these shrubs, and they are native to temperate regions around the world.
They are known for their large flowers, which range from pink to red or white.
There are two main types of azaleas: hybrid azaleas and double-flowered azaleas. Hybrid azaleas are created by crossing two different varieties of azalea together.
These hybrids can be either single-flowered or double-flowered. Double-flowered azaleas have two sets of petals on each flower.

One set is larger than the other, giving them an appearance similar to that of a daisy. Single-flowered azaleas have only one set of petals on each individual flower.
Hybrid azaleas are often more popular because they tend to bloom earlier than double-flowered azalea. However, this type of azalea has a shorter lifespan than the double-flowered variety.
Double-flowered azaleas bloom twice per year. In spring, it produces its first set of flowers. Then, when temperatures rise, the plant begins producing its second set of flowers.
It takes about three months before the plant starts producing its second set of blossoms.
Double-flowered azaleas are generally considered to be less hardy than hybrid azaleas. They do not tolerate freezing temperatures as well as hybrid azaleas. If you live in a cold region, then you may want to consider planting a hybrid azalea instead.
Azaleas come in many colors including yellow, orange, purple, pink, red, salmon, maroon, blue, cream, green, brown, black, gray, and white. Some of these colors will fade with time.
You should avoid using bright-colored azaleas if you plan on keeping your garden looking nice all year long.
Carry on reading to find out which types of azalea you can find to plant in your own garden!
1. Formosa Azalea

The Formosa azalea (Rhododendron formosanum) is a very popular plant. Its blooming season lasts from late March through early May, and within that time it will sprout stunning pink and purple flowers.
These blooms are actually shaped like the end of a trumpet, and the whole plant can grow up to 8 feet tall in its prime.
2. Azalea ‘Fireball’

This azalea is a great choice for any gardener who loves bold colors. This particular azalea comes in a wide array of vibrant shades, including orange, fuchsia, magenta, burgundy, and even deep red.
While it is a medium-sized flower, it is very noticeable from far away, and it will start to bloom from May to June. Its copper foliage also makes it a beautiful plant to have in your garden in the fall time before the foliage starts to turn green in the spring.
3. Azalea ‘Klondyke’

If you love the look of a double-flowering azalea but don’t want to wait until the summer to see those blooms, then this is the perfect option for you.
This particular azalea blooms between April and June, and its orange flowers are brilliant at capturing the sunlight, giving them a golden hue. As with many azaleas, this plant can grow up to eight feet tall!
4. Azalea ‘Duc De Rohan’

The blooms of this plant range from a stunning salmon color to deep red shades, and this versatility makes it a great choice to suit any garden.
Its large size and showy blooms make it ideal for growing in the middle of a border. One thing to bear in mind is that this species has a habit of growing very fast, and it tends to spread in all directions.
It will need to be pruned regularly to train it and ensure it doesn’t take over your garden.
5. Electric Lights Red Azalea

The flowers of this species are, as the name suggests, a rich shade of red while the leaves are light green. This plant grows up to six feet tall and thrives best when planted in full sun or partial shade.
The best time to catch its blooms is in the early spring, as it really doesn’t mind growing in the cold.
6. Electric Lights Double Pink Azalea

Another variety of the Electric Lights azalea is the Double Pink Azalea. This one differs slightly in that its flowers are a deeper shade of pink rather than red.
It is still a wonderful addition to any garden, and it actually has quite a bit of ornamental value because of its double petals and unusual fragrance.
This plant is slightly smaller than other azaleas with a max height of seven feet, and it will bloom in early spring.
7. Lemon Lights Azalea

This azalea’s blossoms are bright yellow, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a cheerful plant. It is easy to maintain and requires little water once established.
With its bright green foliage, the mass of shrubs and lemon flowers can grow up to five feet high, and its blooms appear in late spring.
RELATED: How To Prune Azaleas: Tips & Tricks To Make It Easier
8. Northern Lights Azalea

The Northern Lights azalea is another good choice if you’re after a more traditional azalea. It is a hardy plant that tolerates both hot summers and freezing winters, so it is suitable for most climates.
This is because it was actually bred at the University of Minnesota, so it is used to the hardy temperatures.
However, its yellow blooms and beautifully scented flowers will need plenty of sunlight to help it bloom in May.
9. Gibraltar Azalea

The Gibraltar Azalea’s orange blooms are a great way to add some color to your garden during the warmer months. It is a small-growing plant that is only about five feet tall, which means it won’t block much space.
It is also a relatively low-maintenance plant, and the autumn colors of its flowers ensure that its eye-catching beauty carries the magic of fall all year round!
10. Japanese Azalea

The Japanese Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub that is native to Japan. It is known for having fragrant white, red, and pink flowers that come in clusters on long stems.
As an evergreen plant, it will remain beautiful throughout the fall and winter – it will only lose the old leaves once the new ones are fully grown!
One thing to know about this species is that it should be watered very frequently, and while you can ‘train’ it to not need as much water, this can take a couple of years.
11. Encore Autumn Amethyst

While there are many varieties of the Encore Azalea range, this particular bloom’s vibrant pink color is incredibly eye-catching – not just for humans, but for butterflies and hummingbirds too!
You will also find that it blooms throughout the whole year, not just in the azalea’s particular growing season (Spring).
12. Fashion Azalea

The Fashion Azalea is a lovely addition to any garden, especially when it comes to adding a splash of color to your landscape.
Its colorful blooms come in a wide array of different shades of salmon and red. These plants do need a lot of water to thrive, and the growing might be a slow process, so don’t panic if they don’t shoot up straight away.
They are also a much smaller species of Azalea, and their height is 4 feet tall at maturity!
13. Korean Azalea

The Korean Azalea is a popular choice among gardeners who want a plant that blooms quickly. It is a hardier variety of Azalea that is perfect for colder regions, and it is ideal for use as a specimen or hedge plant.
While the foliage may be slow to grow, the flowers will emerge much faster, giving gardens wonderful displays of small pink flowers.
This azalea likes rich and moist soil, and it is also recommended to place a layer of mulch down around the plant to ensure its stability.
14. Snow Azalea

This variety of Azalea has become increasingly popular over recent years, due to its unique ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.
While it has a slower growth rate than other species of Azalea, it doesn’t need too much care or pruning to control it – just lots of moist soil!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Type of Soil Do I Need to Grow Azaleas?
Most people recommend planting azaleas in well-drained soil with good drainage. If you live in a humid area, you may want to consider adding peat moss to improve moisture retention.
You can also fertilize your azaleas by applying a fertilizer such as fish emulsion.
How Much Space Does Each Azalea Plant Require?
You’ll need about four square feet per plant. That means if you have a small yard, you could get away with having three or four plants.
However, if you’re planning on having more than ten plants, you might want to invest in a larger plot elsewhere to explore the azalea’s beauty!
To Sum Up
There are many types of azaleas that you can find – while some varieties are newer than others, they are all well-established in the gardening community.
All of these plants come in a wide choice of colors, sizes, and shapes, so they should be able to fit into almost any garden. They are also relatively easy to care for, and most garden centers will sell a huge number of these azaleas.
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