In today’s article, we will be continuing with our series of lists regarding trees that start with different letters of the alphabet. In this article, we will be looking at trees that start with the letter N.
Trees vary massively in shape, size, and uses.

Trees starting with the letter N are no different.
It may be hard to think of some straight away but there are actually plenty of interesting trees from all over the world with so much to offer.
Some are used for their edible fruits, while others are used to make furniture.
If you want to learn more about the different types of tree and their uses then you’re in the right place.
We will take a look at a wide variety of tree species beginning with N, looking at their unique characteristics and what they are most commonly used for.
If this sounds like something you’ll enjoy, be sure to stick around.
1. Needle Palm Tree

The first tree on our list is probably the hardiest palm tree in the world.
Growing all over the U.S. this tree can handle the lowest of American temperatures with ease. It is a shrubby plant that tends to take a long time to grow.
Eventually, when it has grown to full maturity the needle palm tree typically reaches 65 feet (ca. 20 m) tall. The tree gets its name from the sharp black needles covering the plant’s seeds and crown.
Thanks to its ability to grow successfully in cold conditions and a variety of soils, this tree is commonly used as decoration in a garden.
2. Northern Hackberry Tree

Native to North America this tree is also known by the name nettletree. Growing up to 70 feet (ca. 21 m) tall this species of hackberry is the largest of its kind.
In terms of appearance, the northern hackberry tree has a warty-ridge trunk, 6-9 cm long nettle-like leaves, and a pointed tip.
Though the tree produces a purple-red fruit that people eat, the tree is often used for something else.
Despite its hardwood decaying quite easily the wood from the northern hackberry tree is still used to produce cheap furniture or fences.
3. Namboca Tree

You may not have heard of the namboca tree, but you will most definitely have heard of the little black walnut tree.
Namboca is simply another name given to this tree.
The namboca tree is only small, growing wild across ravines in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas.
Also referred to by its Latin name which is juglans microcarpa, this tree bears small walnut-like fruit that can be eaten.
The odd green-colored fruit can be found in small clusters that hang all the way along the thick branches.
4. Natal Plum Tree

The natal plum tree is another small tree, but it does have more to offer.
Native to Africa this shrub loves to grow in coastal areas. It has glossy oval-shaped leaves and blooms a beautiful star-shaped white flower that produces a lovely fragrant smell at night.
That’s not all this plant is good for though. The natal plum tree produces vibrant red fruits that have a beautifully sweet and sour flavor.
Shaped like a plum, hence the name natal plum tree, these fruits taste amazing when eaten raw, put in a salad, and even when turned into a sauce, soup, or pie filling.
5. Nectarine Tree

You’ll have definitely heard of the nectarine tree before. Requiring little care this tree that belongs to the peach tree family originally came from China.
The tree itself isn’t that big. A standard nectarine tree will only reach about 20 feet (ca. 6 m) in height which is similar to the peach tree.
The easily recognizable fruit on the nectarine tree is round and yellowy-orange in color.
Inside the soft fruit is the super sweet and juicy flesh as well as the stone. The nectarine is usually eaten on its own straight from the tree, but it can be used to make some delicious desserts too.
6. Northern Red Oak

Found all over America the red oak is a deciduous broadleaf tree that can reach 80 feet (ca. 24 m) in height, developing a rounded crown as it grows.
When young the bark on this tree is smooth and silvery-gray in color. As the tree matures it develops ridges and warts.
The branches of the red oak tree tend to be straight and dark brown. The long lush leaves on the oak tree are probably the tree’s most recognizable feature.
As you probably already know the wood from a red oak tree is used to make a range of furniture or is used as firewood.
However, it is also commonly used to make fence posts or railroad ties.
7. Nogal

Nogal refers to a wide range of deciduous species of juglans in the Juglandaceae family.
One of the most popular species of Nogal is the walnut tree. Walnut trees are well-known for producing edible walnut fruit and their hard, resilient wood.
Ranging from 30 to 130 feet (ca. 40 m) in size, the walnut tree has dark, ridged bark, and feather-like leaves that form a lush rounded canopy. Amazingly this huge tree also grows up to 50 feet (ca. 15 m) wide in diameter.
The walnut fruit is usually eaten raw or in a cake, whilst the strong wood from the tree is used to make flooring and musical instruments.
8. Northern White Pine

Northern White Pine is another sturdy tree that can be found all over eastern North America.
This tree is so long-lasting that mature trees are often at least 250 years old. Some even live up to 400 years old.
The soft texture of the wood produced by the white pine tree was used frequently in the production of wagons and ships in the 19th century.
The tree has flexible, prickly, finely serrated leaves, and at the end of each branch, pine cones grow.
9. Norway Spruce

This tree is an evergreen fast-growing conifer that can grow to reach 140 feet (ca. 43 m) in height. Unbelievably the Norway spruce has even been known to live for up to 1,000 years.
Standing straight and tall the tree has a triangular-shaped appearance and a pointed crown. The bark has a soft smooth appearance, but it is surprisingly rough.
The Norway spruce is used throughout Europe in the timber industry to make high-quality furniture and musical instruments. The wood from the tree is also used to produce paper.
10. Nootka False Cypress Tree

The Nootka false cypress tree is a conical tree that has drooping branches and flattened greeny-blue foliage.
This showy tree is known to grow all along America’s west coast in locations like California, Washington, and Oregon.
Some people know this tree by the name yellow cedar or canoe cedar. It gets this name thanks to its yellow hardwood that is regularly used to produce boats and furniture, including the canoe.
11. Nutmeg

This tropical evergreen tree is part of the Myristicaceae family.
Native to Indonesia the tree can reach 65 feet (ca. 20 m) tall, but you will have to wait approximately 8 years for any fruit to grow.
The nutmeg fruit has a strong pungent fragrance and a pleasant sweet taste. They are brown oval shaped-fruits with a rough, rigid exterior.
It is typically used as a spice to add flavor to a range of different baked foods such as desserts, confections, meats, and vegetables.
12. New Mexico Locust Tree

The next tree on our list produces arguably the most beautiful flower.
Belonging to a small group of trees and shrubs that make up the pea family, the New Mexico locust tree is only small, but its flower packs a punch.
The tree produces robust, yet beautiful rose-pink flowers. Despite having a super attractive flower this tree is surprisingly only used to make tool handles or fence posts.
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13. Niaouli

Belonging to the myrtle family, the niaouli tree is small to medium-sized and grows to 70 feet (ca. 21 m) tall.
The trunk on this tree is quite unique. It has a thick white papery bark so unique it earned the tree the nickname paperbark tea tree.
The tall tree has long pointed leaves and tough thick branches. Growing from the branches of the niaouli tree is also an odd brush-like flower containing tiny white fibers.
In these fibers, a rich oil can be found. This oil can be used as an essential oil that helps stimulate the body’s immune defenses. The oil also possesses antiseptic properties.
14. Noble Fir Tree

If you love everything Christmas, you’ll love the noble fir tree. Also called red fir, the noble fir tree makes an excellent Christmas tree.
Aside from its typical Christmas tree appearance, this tree doesn’t shed any of its needles, holds a good shape, and has strong branches that can easily hold Christmas decorations.
The lush green tree with prickly leaves can reach up to 250 feet (ca. 76 m) in height so if you want one for next Christmas you better make sure you find a smaller one.
15. Netleaf Hackberry Tree

The final tree starting with N on our list is another type of hackberry tree.
Native to America the netleaf hackberry tree can reach 35 feet (ca. 11 m) tall. The trunk of the tree can equal this in diameter.
This moderately large tree provides brilliant shade thanks to its vase shape and wide rounded crown.
While the tree may have a similar appearance to an elm tree, the distinctive yellow streaks running through the wood are what give it away.
Netleaf trees have a variety of useful purposes other than being used as a source of good quality wood.
As well as being a good food source for animals, the fruit on this tree can also be eaten by us. The sweet fruit makes a good snack and flavors dried meats beautifully.
This brings our list to an end. How many of the trees on the list had you heard of before? Though N can seem like a hard letter to find trees for, there is actually quite a surprising amount.
Almost every tree on our list has a variety of important uses.
Some produce excellent food that we enjoy eating, whilst others produce good strong wood that can be used in the production of furniture and flooring. Some trees are great for both.
Now you have our list, why not take a deeper look into trees that start with the letter N.
While exploring you may even learn how you could plant some of these spectacular trees in your backyard. Having said that you will need a rather large garden with plenty of space.
Once you’ve explored these trees why not check out one of our other alphabetical lists in our series.
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