Fancy gazing at some gorgeous greenery that starts with G? Well, you’re in luck!

There are so many beautiful plants that suit different gardeners, living situations, and tastes.
We adore that whether you’re searching for flowery fauna, cacti, succulents, perennials, evergreens, or shrubs, there are plants beginning with G for you!
But, with all these leafy options out there, how do you know which ones to choose? The array can mean you find yourself overwhelmed, which will turn your fun researching into a chore.
Even worse, it may put you off following your landscaping dreams altogether and leave you without natural joy in your life!
To stop this from happening, we’ve rescued you from choice overload by writing out about plants that start with G.
So, we’ve put this information together and created the following article. So, if you want to quickly figure out what plants to look after or simply want to look at some pretty pictures, read on!
1. Garden Angelica (Angelica Archangelica)

This is a boldly structured perennial that produces beautifully tightly blossoming green-white flowers from a strong central stem.
We recommend planting this species if you’re a beginner, as it’s easy to care for and will tolerate being in wet conditions.
2. Garden Heliotrope (Valeriana Officinalis)

The Garden heliotrope (Valeriana officinalis) is perfect for a pretty wet climate. It produces showy pale pink to white flowers, which are so adorable.
To look after this species properly, plant this in a super bright spot and make sure the perennial has a soil PH of 6 to 7.
3. Garden Balsam (Impatiens Balsamina)

This annual plant grows hot pink blooms, which pop in between long bright green leaves.
If you want to know how to care for the Garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina), we recommend placing it in a container, giving it moderate moisture, and keeping the soil pH to 6.1 to 6.5.
4. Garden Phlox (Phlox Paniculata)

Arguably the Garden Phlox’s most characteristic feature is its fairytale pink blossoms, which have five petals, each sprouting in a circular clump.
To nurture this perennial species, ensure it has moderate water, is in a bright area in your garden, in soil that has a PH between 6.1 to 6.5.
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5. Garden Pinks (Dianthus “Rainbow Loveliness”)
The Garden pinks (Dianthus “Rainbow Loveliness”) produces spindly petals with an exciting design packed with movement.
If you have a spot in your garden with full sunlight that gets quite a lot of water, we recommend planting this species with showy flowers as it is also easy to grow.
6. Garden Stock (Matthiola Incana)

This is an annual with color options aplenty, including lavender, purple, white, red, yellow, and pink, making it ideal for those wishing to add vibrancy to the landscaping.
To care for this plant, make sure you place it somewhere where it will rain quite a lot, where it’s not shaded, and the earth PH between 6.8 to 7.5.
7. Garden Rockcress (Arabis Caucasica)

The Garden Rockcress (Arabis caucasica) is a perennial-producing white flower with access to full sunlight. It is planted in medium to dry soil.
If you’re in an area that has deers aplenty, we recommend going for these delicate flowers as it’s resistant to these hooved animals.
8. Garden Verbena (Verbena x Hybrida)
Are you searching for a pink-flowered plant beloved by gorgeous butterflies? If so, this species has got you covered, as it produces delicate petals on little green stems, which attract these adorable insects.
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9. Gaura (Gaura Lindheimeri “Crimson Butterflies”)
As the name suggests, the Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri “Crimson Butterflies”) has pink blooms, which look a lot like the adorable creature’s wings.
To nurture this species, we recommend planting it in an area with damp soil and is unshaded to grow between 12 to 18 inches.
10. Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
This species is a shrub, which produces frilly white flowers on a plant that can grow between 36 to 49 inches high when it’s mature. This is an evergreen and is perfect for filling any bare spots in a garden’s shade. It has leaves aplenty, which are suited to these conditions.
11. Gaura (Gaura Linheimeri “Nugaupapil” PAPILLON)

The Gaura (Gaura linheimeri “Nugaupapil” PAPILLON) creates delicate white blooms, which would add a pretty element to any landscape design.
However, suppose you want a plant that looks good and can be easily moved around a patio. In that case, we recommend putting this species in a container.
12. Gaura (Gaura Lindheimeri “Whirling Butterflies”)
This plant grows vertically, reaching thin stems with white-pink-colored flowers fluttering atop them. Adding height to any garden if it’s allowed access to many UV Rays, watered often, and soil between 6 to 8.
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13. Gentian (Gentiana acaulis)
For those that love bright blue flowers, we advise you to try caring for the Gentian (Gentiana acaulis) as it produces trumpeting cobalt-colored blooms.
There are spiky leaves between these color pops, which lap up moderate moisture and bask in either partial or full sun.
14. Genetian Speedwell (Veronica Gentianoides)
Growing white flowers with blue ombre centers, the Genetian speedwell (Veronica gentianoides) is a perennial, which looks gorgeous in bouquets.
For those with access to the soil between 6 to 8 on the PH range, we advise you to try out this perennial as long as you can put it in a super sunny spot.
15. Genetian (Genetiana Alba)
Suiting a mountainous environment, the Genetian (Gentiana alba) has long spiky green leaves with blue flowers.
This plant will bring structure and height to a flat flower bed because its neat shape can grow 24 to 36 inches tall.
16. Geranium (Geranium Albanum)
If you’re looking for an exciting and unique plant, this one has thin petals with a purple vein design, so it’s super eye-catching!
In addition, the Geranium (Geranium Albanum) is ideal for wildlife lovers as it attracts flapping creatures, including birds, bumblebees, and butterflies, which are excellent for pollinating gardens.
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17. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii)

The Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) produces red-orange flowers with long petals, which create a bold element to any room when they’re cut from the plant and put in a suitable vase. This flower has a yellow center and can thrive in full sun, moderately wet soil, and a big enough plant pot.
18. Geranium (Pelargonium)
This particular Geranium grows spotted pink blooms, which look fabulous when placed in a flower arrangement in a vase, bouquet, or church.
This annual is resistant to deer, can grow to between 24 to 48 inches high, and adores being placed in slightly wet soil.
19. Germander Shrub (Teucrium Fruticans)
The Germander Shrub (Teucrium Fruticans) is a cute shrub with blue leafy blooms that can survive even in drought conditions.
So, if you’re prone to forgetting to water your plants, we recommend buying this perennial, which can grow up to 72 inches tall.
20. Giant Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus Platyacanthas)

As its name suggests, the Giant Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus Platyacanthas) is a super sizable spiky plant with graphic ridges running up the side.
For an exciting addition to any dry climate’s landscaping, the Giant Barrel Cactus adores bathing in bright sunlight and not being watered very often.
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21. Giant Hyssop (Agastache “Blue Fortune”)

Do you want to add height to a very flat flower bed scheme? If so, this species grows corn flower blue coned blossoms, which pop up and attract adorable creatures such as flapping butterflies.
22. Giant Chin Cactus (Gymnocalycium Saglionis)
This appropriately named plant has spikes on it which look like stubble on someone’s chin.
When placed in partial shade or a super bright spot, the Giant Chin Cactus (Gymnocalycium Saglionis) can survive in intense drought, ideal for being set in desert-like conditions.
23. Giant Rhubarb (Gunnera Manicata)

The Giant rhubarb (Gunnera manicata) is a showy perennial with huge trumpeting leaves, which have a fluffy texture.
Growing to an astonishing 120 inches in height when well looked after, this perennial grows green-red colored flowers, which make it a bold addition to any landscaping.
24. Glade Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Simulata)

The Glade purple coneflower (Echinacea simulata) grows shuttlecock-shaped flowers atop vertically reaching green stems.
This plant is perfect for placing in a bushy section in a garden, as it will bring pops of color and can cope with being partially shaded.
So, we’ve taken you through 25 different plants beginning with G, which suit various gardening skills and create attractive flowers.
Our personal favorite is the Giant Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus Platyacanthas) because it’s super hardy, has a distinctive structure, and is perfect for thriving in warm climates.
Whether you live in a shaded place and would suit looking after the glade purple coneflower or you have a garden with full sunlight, we’ve been through exciting species.
The Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) is ideal for those searching for a plant that can withstand being under many UV Rays. We hope you enjoyed looking through this information and have fun choosing the best plants for you!
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